

俚语 lura's


Another word for beauty and absolute perfection. A catharsis. Lura is what makes your tummy fill with butterflies. Lura's kisses make your knees go weak. Her voice puts you at ease. Lura is a angel walking the earth. Having Lura means being totally satisfied.
Bill: Is that an angel?
Chazz: No that's Lura.


bestfriend of caroline
lover of anthony
Lura is one hot mamacita.


Lura is the most person I've ever loved, she is the main reason for me to smile every day ,I'll be happy with her no matter how bad my day was .every thing I've and I need and I want , is lura

As they described Lura is an angel walking on earth . She's sooooooo cuuuute no one can imagine how cute she is, she is my love
Can you describe Lura?
- she has all the world cuteness and kindness

Lura bad boys

A small group of bad boys from Lura, Norway. The baddest boys, but in a good way (they get all the pussy)
Oh my god, look at that stud!
Ya I know, he is part of Lura bad boys, they are all studs.




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