

俚语 lurds


Short for "lesbian until release date". Used in reference to female prisoners.
"I can't wait to do my boyfriend when I make parole, but in the meantime I'm getting by by being a total LURD."


In women's prisons, "Lesbian Until Release Date"
That new girl in cell block D is definatly a LURD.


n. (lûrd)

1. Derives from the fusion of the two words "liquid" and "turd;" excrement that expels from the anus not in the usual solid form but as a continuous, sometimes lighting-quick, fluid, filling the toilet bowl or possibly coating the rim of the toilet bowl as if being shot from a paint cannon.

2. A contemptible person, whose guts and blood you would like to see splatter from his or her body like "liquid terd" from an anus.

3. In hick speak, a "loud kid" or someone who does not know how to be quiet or subtle with any normal day-to-day activity, such as eating, moving a table, talking on the phone, or putting away dishes.
"I just spilled a bigtime lurd in that toilet that it rocketed out of my butthole, and my buttcheeks were coated with its spray."

"I can't believe he would rat me out like that, I could just kill that lurd."

"Can he do anything without making such a racket?" "No, cause he's a lurd."


Heavily used in liverpool meaning freind, or chum
Ite lurd, s'appinin r u hittin on the mozam 2nite ?


any alcoholic beverage that falls under the category of a beer; not liquors, wines, champagnes, etc.
Hey man pass me a lurd! Now this is a nice frothy lurd.


A beautiful Mexican Girl who is sweet and very sincere.
Look at that hot girl over there, thats a Lurdes right there!!


It approximately means jerking around or hanging out and not doing anything of value.
Man1: Hey Tom watcha doin'?
Man2: Aw, just lurding!




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