

俚语 lurple


An explanation or answer to a question that sounds logical at first but after thinking about it, is clearly flawed or outright wrong.

A good application of this concept is when making "lurple" answers to multiple choice questions. You want answers that sound like they might be correct but in fact, are wrong.

Another example of a lurple is when a someone tries to explain Intelligent Design rationally. Or their explanation as to why the Earth is only 6000 years old. The only way to succeed is to bypass the intellect with lurples.

The word originated in McLean, VA by a local High School Freshman in early 2009. (He was trying to come up with a word that rimed with purple.)

purple lurple

When something or someone becomes fat and purple :
she ate so much, she became a purple lurple.


When an asian gives someone a titie twister, rips the titie off and eats it. The asian then shit its out the next day and surgically puts it back on the person with the missing titie. Four months later, they get a salmon to lick the titie. After that, the person has just gotten a purple-lurple-nurple.
The man was in agonizing pain after he received a purple-lurple-nurple from Bruce Lee.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 10:52:02