Strong feelings between two people, but not necessarily love. It's best seen in very close friends. Also seen when a guy (or girl) is too cheap or nervous to say "I love you."
I lurv you too :DD
When one or both parties in a relationship don't quite love eachother, but have feelings for them that are strong.
A re-defined version of "love". when you are too cheap to tell someone you love them (for lack of emotion) "LURV" is the next best thing.
Boy:"I love you."
Girl:"...i Lurv you too"
Girl:"...i Lurv you too"
To care for, to understand deeply, to extinguish (as in the fire of ones gaze), to leave wanting more.
I lurv Holly, everytime our eyes meet, I just can't leave her.
Love spelled differently
Girl: "I lurv you bob"
Boy: "I lurv you too"
Boy: "I lurv you too"
A stronger more lovable love.
All the feels has me wanting to tell that I lurv you. I have so much lurv for you it's ridiculous.
Something being pretty or lovely.
The picture is lurvely.