

俚语 lusankya


A Super Star Destroyer, or SSD, in the fictional Star Wars galaxy. Built by the Emperor under the code name Executor, it served as his private escape ship and was buried under Coruscant. After the Battle of Endor, Ysanne Isard, the Director of Imperial Intelligence, made of Coruscant with it, killing millions in the process. It was later captured by the New Republic, taken secretly into a shipyard, and restored to full power. It served the New Republic until it was sent on a suicide mission against a Yuuzhan Vong worldship some 20 odd years later, where the Lusankya was jury rigged with droids and purposely crashed into the worldship, destroying both ships.
"The prow of Lusankya hit the worldship.
Eight kilometers up, before the shock of that impact had even been transmitted along Lusankya's body, Eldo Davip fired his thrusters and shot out of the vessel's stern."
Quote from "Rebel Stand" by Aaron Allston, p392




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