

俚语 lyre


"a stringed instrument of the harp class used by the ancient Greeks especially to accompany song and recitation"
Etymology: Middle English lire, from Old French, from Latin lyra, from Greek
Date: 13th century
I'm such a lyre.

i play the instrument that is known as the lyre it has strings on it and has the best sound in the world!


coolest guy alive. Somebody everyone admires.
lyre is just too kool =D


A person, who loves his cilla very very much. Even though he is very queer we love him for who he is, he has nippitus.
lyre loves cilla


-verb, to lyre
-the action of striking a person or object with a lyre(musical instrument)
Dam the guy got lyred

How could you tell?
He still has strings sticking out of his head

Paul just lyred the music teacher.
Is the lyre ok?

Rusty Lyre

An STD contracted by or from a female who associates themself with the sorority Alpha Chi Omega.
Rob "Dude, don't mess with that girl, she got rusty lyre!"
Dan "Rusty lyre?! What you talkin bout?"
Rob "It's some nasty shit that you don't wanna get"

lyre bouquet

When someone is best to the point that their ribs protrude, like flowers out of the ground.
Man, Tony got it bad from those guys. Full lyre bouquet, blood everywhere.



Used to describe anything, wether it’s a place person or a race
“You know that kid who always buys fortnite ranks?”

“Yeah that Nug is such a Lyree”




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更新时间:2024/9/20 10:58:45