

俚语 lyrical miracle

Lyrical Miracle

A rapper who is too abstract, often tries to fit way too many words in a line, rhythm struggles, freestyles too much...
The show was dope until that lyrical miracle got on stage and wouldn't stop rapping.

Lyrical Miracle

A pejorative for rap lyrics that are super lame and corny but delivered with a sense of extreme confidence. Rappers who practice Lyrical Miracle songwriting often try to rap really fast and jump from topic to topic in their songs. As a result, many Lyrical Miracle artists often use a lot of words without actually saying anything.

Lyrical Miracle-style music is often associated with rappers and rap fans who are mentally stuck in the 90s or early 2000s and decry contemporary genre styles (such as trap, "mumble" rap or emo rap) as being "meaningless mainstream garbage" and not "real hip-hop". The irony of this is that the music they hold up as the genre's eternal gold-standard is usually jam packed with self-masterbation, complaints about "critics who just don't understand" the rapper's discography, and lame attempts at wordplay.

The term originates from the 2014 video "Bad Internet Rappers" by YouTuber Filthy Frank, in which comedian/musician George Miller/Joji makes fun of amateur rappers who create this type of song.
person 1: Hey did you hear the new Eminem single?

person 2: Lol nah, Eminem's been making Lyrical Miracle shit for what seems like forever. All his recent songs are just him angrily saying really lame puns without even a hint of self-awareness and complaining about people not liking the other albums where he's done this shit

Lyrical Miracle

An individual so great, so intelligent, and so creative capable of creating extraordinary lyrics out of nowhere
She makes lyrics off the top of her head, she’s a Lyrical Miracle

Lyrical miracle

An insult used by dumb people (mostly on the internet of course?) (because they are too pussy to say it in person!) to try to disrespect and discredit lyrical rappers who actually put skill and effort into their rhymes and don't just get high and say whatever comes to their minds (lil wayne.) The reason they do this is because they are just mad that their favorite shitty rappers can't rap like that and that said "lyrical miracle" rappers put shitty rappers like lil gayne to shame and make them look like nothing compared to them.
Luke: Who is your favorite rapper?
Bill: At the moment, K-Rino. He's one of the goats imo.
Luke: Ewww snooze, that's lyrical miracle nonsense...just using big words not saying anything.
Bill: You're just mad that lil wayne is a fucking talentless retard and can't rap like that and that K-Rino is a lot more skilled and is on a level that lil wayne will never be able to reach.
Luke: Just, I, you, just fuck you! Shut up ya cac!

Idiot: Fuck Hopsin Canibus K-Rino Chino XL Eminem Logic Diabolic n all dat lyrical miracle rap trash, all it is is saying big words n trynna sound smart when they rilly arnt saying anything. Lil Wayne is better then all them white people rappers! Lil Wayne raps about real topics like smoking weed, drinking lean, and eating pussy and is fucking good at it!
Smart person: Lol lil wayne is shit. And I'd like to hear you rap as good as the rappers you say are trash? I bet you couldn't do it so just shut your retarded ass mouth until you can make a rap half as good.
Idiot: You...you're a...I...fuck you, fucking fuck you, fuck you you fucking cac!

Lyrical miracle

A very lyrical rapper
Person A: "My cousin is an underground rapper."
Person B: "What does he do, SoundCloud?"
Person A: "Nah he's more lyrical."
Person B: *Can't hear person A* "He's a lyrical miracle?"
Person A: "I guess you can say that..."

Lyrical miracle

When you connect with a song on such a deep level, you believe it can see into your soul. It reaches you in a way only miracles can.
"This song is a lyrical miracle."

Spiritual Lyrical Miracle Individual

Stemming from TVFilthyFrank’s video “BAD INTERNET RAPPERS” in which one of the characters he plays says the line “I’m a spiritual lyrical miracle individual”. The phrase has come to be the inverse of the other popular term mumble rapper. A spiritual lyrical miracle individual is a rapper who is extremely corny and tries to use complicated lyricism to cover up their overrall boringness and unoriginality.
Guy #1: yo have you heard that new Hopsin track?

Guy #2: nah dude, he’s a spiritual lyrical miracle individual. He’s so corny!
Guy #3: whatever brohemeZ




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更新时间:2024/9/20 5:19:19