

俚语 macadamia


The state of blissful insanity, an spectrum of behaviors characterized by certain abnormal mental or behavioral patterns. It is named after a nut.
Janice just went all Macadamia.


A pimp that hails from the tropics ie: Hawaii,Polynesia,Easter Island.
Main that nigga just walked in club and cold stole all our bitches,that fool must be on some Macadamia shit.


A different word for the testicles, also known as balls or nuts.
1. That baseball hit him right in his Macadamias.

2. He didn't have the Macadamias to do it.

macadamia nuts

Those sneaky little bastards that hide out in cookies and try to fool you into thinking they're white chocolate chips.
With my mouth watering, I bit into a soft cookie full of luscious white chunks, only to get a mouthful of macadamia nuts.

Macadamia Ranch

A place to house the mentally ill.

Same as booby hatch, funny farm, "insane asylum", "loony bin", "nut house", "cuckoos nest" etc.
After I had a nervous breakdown, I was admitted to the Macadamia ranch for a little mental vacation.

The Salted Macadamia

When you're on a first date and decide to go to a gelato shop and the guy asks for salted Macadamia. It implies that they enjoy the sexual act of Pegging.
Hi sir what gelato would you like? I'll have the salted macadamia! (girl) "wow that's bold."

macadamia nut

to express how cool something or someone is.
Man this party is Macadamia nut.




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