

俚语 mackenzye


a short girl that is perfect for head kissing and cuddling. She is very loyal and protective, she is also very sensitive. Get yourself a MacKenzye.
BOB: did u see mackenzye?
FRANK: Ya shes so small!
BOB: But shes so cute, I wonder if shes single?!


Mackenzye is a very loud, clumsy, and funny girl. She will do anything for anybody who needs help. She loves her friends to death(no homo) and she’s beautiful but doesn’t think so.
Me: man Mackenzye is a great friend
K: I know


Mackenzye is the girl who is awesome and can take a joke. She is the friend who can support you no matter what you throw at her. She is the girl who always has the newest iPhone and eats Skinny Pop at school during lunch. She will do anything for her friends. She is the student to get good grades and take the Art Elective at school. She is a funny, sarcastic friend who is always optimistic.
Look at Mackenzye eating her Skinny Pop again.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 22:30:06