madarame shion
Hot guy from Tokyo revengers that got one shot by Peh-Yan. I'd like that mf to step on me pls. One of the four heavenly kings of tenjiku.
A(someone): "who's that hottie? The one that just got one shot."
B(me): "That's madarame shion he's so fine omg step on me."
B(me): "That's madarame shion he's so fine omg step on me."
madarame shion
A hot guy from Tokyo revengers that got one shot by Peh-Yan.
A(someone): "omg who's that hottie that just got one shot?"
B(me): "That's Madarame Shion he's so hot omfg."
B(me): "That's Madarame Shion he's so hot omfg."
madarame shion
A hot guy from Tokyo revengers who got one shot by Peh-Yan.
A(someone): "yo who's that hottie over there? The one that just got one shot."
B(Me): "That's Madarame Shion he's so hot omfg."
B(Me): "That's Madarame Shion he's so hot omfg."
madarame shion
Hot guy from Tokyo revengers that got one shot by Peh-Yan. I would like that mf to step on my pls. One of four heavenly kings of Tenjiku.
A(someone): "yo who's that hottie that just got one shot?"
B(me): "That's madarame shion he's so hot omfg."
B(me): "That's madarame shion he's so hot omfg."