

俚语 mad dogged

Mad Dogged

When someone has really embarassed you in public, preferably in school or at work. After insulting you (preferably by physical means), they stand over top of you or climb to a higher point than you and shout down at you, "you just got mad dogged!"
I ran over to Tom, tackled him from behind, and stood over him in front of all the Senior girls shouting, "YOU JUST GOT MAD DOGGED!" to which I promptly added.... "Bitch!"

mad dogging

starring as though you are crazy, threatening glance
Mofo, you mad dogging me?

mad dog

To stare fixedly at someone in a hostile manner. Generally used to convey anger or disdain, can be a signal that a fight is about to happen.
That guy was mad dogging me after I got his girl friend's number.

Mad Dog

To stare agressively at another person in order to scare/intimidate
"He was mad dogging me so I knew he had a problem"

mad dog

Spell it backwards, see what you get.
Mad dog, a creative new insult

Mad Dog

1. A potent beverage that used to be called Mad Dog 20/20, but the company decided it was better for business to change it to MD 20/20 (yes that is much better -?-)
2. To stare someone down:
A) in response to an initial provocation or
B) to start a fight, or to start shit with another
1. 'Man that Mad Dog had me on tilt last night, sorry if I tried to get with your sister'
2. 'I mad dogged that nuckka until he pussied out', 'I mad dogged that police and that's how I got 50 stitches in my head'

mad dog

To stare someone down in an attempt to demonstrate who's more hardcore (i.e., who has more balls). If both persons refuse to drop their gaze, a fight usually entails.
That mother fucker wouldn't stop mad doging me. So I beat his fucking ass.




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