

俚语 atomic bitch

Atomic Bitch

A bitch that has all of the regular attributes of a bitch: being arrogant, spiteful, malicious, and self-righteous. If crossed, the Atomic Bitch combines these traits and releases a torrent of insults upon the poor soul that incurs her wrath.
Harrassed guy: "Man, that Atomic Bitch really cut loose on me. . ." "How did she find out about me and my cousin?"

Bystander: "What?"

atomic bitch-slap

A bitch slap in which the one delivering starts with his or her hand below the waist.
Rubbernecker #1: "Oh, shit! That poor bastard just got bitch slapped!"
Rubbernecker #2: "No, no, my friend. That was an ATOMIC bitch-slap. Notice how that poor bastard's assailant pulled his hand all the way below his waist before letting loose? Man, he's gonna need to put some ice on that."




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