

俚语 mad snail

Mad Snail Hours

The time between 11pm-3am where mad snails get to say what they're mad about

Mad Snail Disease

A fake disease that turns you into a zombie. Symptoms are ticklish rib cage,loss of balance, severely untrimmed toenails. In the Episode "One Bitten" in Spongebob
Have you heard about that zombie " He got Mad Snail Disease

Mad Snail Disease

When a person is so dumb it frustrates those around him/her
wow that person isn't so smart he/she must have Mad Snail Disease

Mad Snail Hours

The time of day between 11pm and 3am

Common on social media.
Used to explain anger.
Person 1: Fuck a nigga named Nate

Person 2: Why is you so mad?
Person 1: cuz Mad Snail hours😡🐌

Mad snail disease

When u realize that u miss your ex boyfriend / girlfriend and that u are jealous of them
Oh shut I've caught mad snail disease

Mad snail hours 😡🐌

Time of day between 11 pm - 3 am

Typically used on Instagram
It's mad snail hours 😡🐌 what y'all mad at?😡😡😡🐌🐌🐌

Mad Snail Disease

When your bussy gets too raw
After my friends and I had a sleep over, we all woke up with Mad Snail Disease.




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更新时间:2024/9/21 0:34:04