Magata is a kind, caring, loving, trustworthy, passionate, loyal, understanding and ambitious person. He likes to cuddle a lot. If you have a Magata in your life keep him. Dating a person like him is the most amazing thing in the world, coz once you his he will will love you unconditionally and limitless, he is put you first before himself and we will always be there for you through thick and thin. he is also really cute and has the most amazing eyes. His smile is unexplainable, whenever he smiles he gives you butterflies in the tummy and he lights up the room. His hugs and kisses will make you feel as if you are in another world and suddenly everything stops. Though at times he is annoying, he is someone you never want to lose in your life. He always gives without expecting anything in return and whenever your sad he always has a way to cheer you up. If you have a Magata in your life never let him go!
Magata, its okay am here for you no matter what happens
Magata, even though the world is against us, i know we'll make it somehow
Magata, even though the world is against us, i know we'll make it somehow