

俚语 magic carpet ride

Magic Carpet Ride

Getting eaten out by a dude with a beard.
My boyfriend never shaves when he's on vacation. I hope I get a magic carpet ride!

Magic Carpet Ride

Having toe curlingly good sex with someone who has an uncontrolled bush.
Johnny hasn't manscaped in weeks, so now I get to go on a magic carpet ride.

Magic Carpet Ride

When you stick it in a girls ass, and then ride her down the stairs
Last night me and becky wanted to mix it up so we tried a magic carpet ride

Magic Carpet Ride

Also known as a trifecta, a magic carpet ride is when a person takes a bong hit, followed by a bee sting and then finally an opiate.
"John won't be able to make the party tonight, because he took one too many Magic Carpet Rides."

Magic Carpet Ride

Two are having sex near a staircase. When the man is about to ejaculate you face her down towards the stairs. Give a good thrust and ride her down the stairs.
Me and my girlfriend took a Magic Carpet Ride last night.

Magic Carpet Ride

1.) sharing the same experience with someone else who is equally as high on marijuana as you are. 2.)knowing what the other person is thinking while both high on marijuana 3.) Being on the same wavelength as someone else while high on marijuana.
Me and Jess were so high last night that whenever we looked at each other we went on a magic carpet ride

Magic Carpet Ride

During sex between a man and a woman, the man starts singing "A Whole New World" from Aladdin. As the girl is stunned, grab her by her pubic hair and drag her across the room.
"I gave my princess a magic carpet ride last night, she was screaming the entire way."




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更新时间:2024/9/20 9:38:01