

俚语 magic dirt

magic dirt

Magic Dirt is an Australian rock band, formed in 1992 in Geelong, Australia. The band has released several albums to date.

Current Line-up:
Adalita Srsen (vocal, guitar)
Dean Turner (bass guitar)
Raul Sanchez (guitar)
Adam Robertson (drums)

Friends In Danger (ANDA, 1996)
Magic Dirt (USA Only Release) (Dirt Records, 1996)
Magic Dirt (Europe Only Release) (Subway Records, 1997)
Young & Full Of The Devil (ANDA, 1998)
What Are Rock Stars Doing Today (WEA, 2000)
Tough Love (WEA, 2003)
The Magic Dirt Concert last night was awsome

magic dirt theory

The idea that where a person lives determines their behavior, when in reality it's the people who live in a given location that determine if said location is safe or not.
Liberals sure believe in the magic dirt theory--they think that if they move DeShawn out of the ghetto and into the rich white suburbs, he'll suddenly be a good student and make something of himself.




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