Maison Matthews
Maison Matthews is a semi professional retail stock trader, specializing in losing large amount's of money in short periods of time for maximum tax write off's by going all in.
Bro 1. hey bro I need to lose some money fast
Bro 2. Ask Maison Matthews what he's buying
Bro 2. Ask Maison Matthews what he's buying
maison matthews indicator
An emotion based stock indicator developed by Maison Matthews. This indicator aims at identifying a bearish/bull trend if he buys/sells a stock position. This is typically used by traders betting the opposite direction. In layman’s term you do the opposite of what he is doing.
Maison : I just bought 17k stocks of gnus.
Market: maison matthews indicator dictates that you short this stock.
Market: maison matthews indicator dictates that you short this stock.
maison matthews indicator
One of analysts top indicator on what NOT to do.
When the maison matthews indicator goes off i’m throwing the heloc into 3x inverses. risk off