a group of hard ass pimps who are known for their comic genius and their amazing good looks; they are composed of members of all over the world but ran by 3 wise men; their cheating skills are off the charts and 2 of the members represent some of the best in warcraftl; the future looks bright, sexy, and gilded with gold for MAJIC's three leaders
"you may have skill but we have majic"
One with certain abilities and specific skills to to gain power of, and educated by B-minus And Royal HipHop
One day Majic came up to Bob and changed the way he thought of his music
The power of improvement
Person 1: How did I get so good at soccer in 2 weeks?
Person 2: Majic with a j ;)
Person 2: Majic with a j ;)
Three wise pimps that are grandmaster at the art of stealing, lieing, thieving, and of course pimping. They may look like ordinary people to the naked eye but once put under infrared light you will see that the have a special aura that affects everyone around them. As the old saying goes once you go majic you can't go to a black chick.
Man:"Dude I'll suck you dick if you let me into majic"
Majic Member:"Hmmmmmmmm....."
Majic Member:"Hmmmmmmmm....."
Middle Aged Jackass In Convertible: Normally found in Hawaii on vacation but can be found all throughout the world. When picking up their rental car they are offered a choice and will always choose the convertible. Then proceed to drive around with the top down regardless the weather and not a care in the world. Example: -40F, top down and heater on full blast or drives faster so the rain doesn't get him wet.
Dammit !!! that MAJIC almost ran me off the road.
When you make your father disappear just by being born.
Bro my dad disappeared. Majic!
majic ninja
One who practices the majic of the lotus. With hatchet held high, a dance for rain can bring down the firey sky. like "teh hatchet" a majic ninja is not judged by what he does, but how it is done. heed my words.
Theres only one thing left to do ... summon the majic ninjas!