

俚语 makena


Makena is a sweet and kind person. She is a great person to be around and he is an amazing friend to many people. She is very pretty and is really good at making people laugh. There is nothing not to like about her. Makena is a joyful person and is smiling all the time. She is uasally really happy and in a good mood. And finally, if she is mad she will give you a deadly death stare. She also likes to slap people and can't sing at all and is a good dancer.
OMG is that Makena?!She is so pretty lets hang out with her!! :D


A true beauty who gives her heart to God, gives great advice, and is always there to help people. Has many problems of her own and often thinks of herself as "worthless" when really she is God's greatest creation. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, and has an amazing body but doesn't see it. Usually very tan and attractive. Gorgeous person, inside and out. A jaw-dropping writer. A hero. A girl who will go far in life. A life saver.
Jessica: Hey, where's Makena?
Whitney: Talking someone through suicide. She's such a great person.


Makena is an amazing chick. End of story. Periodt
Friend: Omg who is that girl? She kinda cute
Other friend: That’s Makena.... duhh


She has the insane intellect and is a bit cocky. Don't get tempted to argue with her because that will just feed her already inflated ego. She is usually beautiful, but a little bit insane. Usually, she has coordinated outfits without realizing it and usually has an open mind. She also is eccentric, so people can never predict her either. She is what they call a "floater".
Person One: Look its Makena, she kinda has this bitch face.

Person Two: Maybe that's just her face? Chill bro.


A Genourus smart and witty an wild imagintative girl mostly attractive. Athletic and great at almost everything. Dont pick on this girl you will regrute it. She is outgoing practical and creative an odd-ball but one day will be popular.

Here are the things you need to look out for. Once you punched her she will get you back. A brillant mind to outsmart you and really fast when you chace her. Do not make her sad or she wont use violence she can get you explexed good luck. VERY IMPORTENT DONT EVER BOTH HER IF SHE IS YOUR ENIEMY THE REASON IS YOUR BEING A JERK SO DO NOT BE MEAN ASK TO BE HER FRIEND IF SHE DECLINS OH WELL.
Makena hates haters to bad handle that


Makena is a very funny girl who loves everyone around her, she is very nice and enjoys making new friends. She is very shy at times but also very outgoing. She can put a smile on your face whenever you need it. She is very loving towards her friends, she also likes shouting but overall she is the best person in the world. She can make your day:)
How is makena ?

she is wonderful


A term to describe anyone who is indeed, a badass. A Makena usually will not think twice about hurting you to get what they want. If you piss off a Makena, run. They are usually armed with a chain saw.
Person 1: "Holy shit! Its a Makena!"
Person 2: "Fuck. That Makena will tear us to shreds."




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更新时间:2024/9/20 21:30:17