

俚语 making the bitch

making the bitch

Complaining about a situation you can't fix, complaining just to hear yourself talk.
Look at Dave that just came home from work, he is making the bitch again.
Or honey are you making the bitch?

Make A Bitch Tumble

When someone pisses you off and they make you wanna kill them
She pissed me off so much I wanna make a bitch tumble

Make The Bitch Work

This term, generally associated with programming or construction of some sort, means to do whatever you gotta do to simply make it work. When you do something on a MTBW basis, you generally have no regard for efficiancy, safety, error correction, or anything other than the most basic instance of it performing the task it was designed to do.
My program is slow and inefficiant because I made it on a MTBW basis.

make out bitch

A girl who makes her friend come to the movies with her just so she can make out with her boyfriend.
I was Casey's make out bitch once, and she didn't even talk to me the whole time!

making your bitches come true

When your complaining leads to the consequence you were complaining about.
Her boyfriend finally dumped her because she kept hassling him about how he wouldn't get more serious. I told her "you keep making your bitches come true."

sandwich making bitches

A female or group of females who devalue tgeir own rights as human beings.
Debbie thinks a woman should get her partner's permission to have an abortion.

Oh, Debbie must be one of those sandwich making bitches.

make you my bitch

To dominate an opponent in competition. To utterly embarass another by your sheer dominance... therefore making them your bitch.
Example: I play you this week in the fantasy football playoffs... I'm gonna make you my bitch!




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