Originates from the case between a few tourists and the Makro cash & carry chain in a very large South East Asian country. Synonymous with "I got screwed in a BIG way".
Other spellings: Makroed, Makrowed
Other spellings: Makroed, Makrowed
Friend 1: "Hey man, so did the divorce judge let you keep the car?"
Friend 2: "Hell no man... she batted her eyelashes at the judge... and I got Makro'ed"
Friend 1: "Serious?! Looks like she got the "Cash" and you got the "Carried" out by security. Haha!"
Friend 2: "Hell no man... she batted her eyelashes at the judge... and I got Makro'ed"
Friend 1: "Serious?! Looks like she got the "Cash" and you got the "Carried" out by security. Haha!"