

俚语 malbuckshi


The demon that gives people bad luck especially Connor and Andre but only in the state of louisiana and when Connor and andre leave Louisiana it will meet its end and burn for eternity this is when everyone in Louisiana will have their own personal bad luck thunder cloud. he also has Mr simien "Gray death" as his sex slave who is now incarcerated his most powerful move by far is almighty head twist which kills the target instantly producing a massive shock wave and crater when performed he is by far the most powerful demon in existence and he is not to be taken likely or underestimated his favorite food by far is spaghetti which he steals from his sex slave Mr Simien "Gray death" quite often by punching him in the back of the head but trying to restrain himself from using the almighty head twist which would kill Mr Simien "Gray death" instantly
Malbuckshi would say Come here Mr Simien "Gray death" its time we get wet wet




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更新时间:2024/9/20 10:40:28