When the Mandelbrot zoom is looking a bit thick and decides to show you it’s cameltoe.
You and your high roommate are watching Mandelbrot zooms.
Roomate: “hehehe the Mandelbrussy showed up again, that bitch got girth”
You: “shut the fuck up dude”
Roomate: “hehehe the Mandelbrussy showed up again, that bitch got girth”
You: “shut the fuck up dude”
When the Mandelbrot zoom is looking a bit thick and decides to show you it’s cameltoe.
You and your high roommate are watching Mandelbrot zooms.
Roomate: “hehehe the Mandelbrussy showed up again, that bitch got girth”
You: “shut the fuck up dude”
Roomate: “hehehe the Mandelbrussy showed up again, that bitch got girth”
You: “shut the fuck up dude”