

俚语 man-hatchet


A penis of significant length and girth so as to allow the wielder to swing it like a hatchet. Commonly used as a show of dominance over a sexual conquest, or to humiliate a downed opponent after battle.
If bro wants smoke I'll hammer him in the face with my man-hatchet.

hatchet man

the person whose job it is to fire or lay off fellow employees in a company. It is usually a human resources employee, doing the dirty work for the owner or president of the company. They break the news to you, get the appropriate papers signed, make sure you clean out your workspace (not taking off with any company property), and see you off the premises.

While a company hatchet man may have some input as whether or not you get the sack, they do not make the final decision. They are acting on the boss' behalf, and such responsibilities are covered by their salary. Therefore they are like a workplace hitman, getting paid to finish people off for the higher ups.
Bill wants to see me privately in the conference room.

That's never good news, he's the company's hatchet man!

hatchet man

Another term for a hired killer, just like hitman. Not really a common term anymore
Billy hired a hatchet man to whack Bob

hatchet man

The name of the logo that Juggalos use. This is ironic sense they will always threaten you with a hatchet and yet the picture they use of hatchet man is actually a guy running with a meat cleaver.
dumbalo: I'm going to kill you. just like hatchet man would.

normal guy:you do of course realize that is a meat cleaver right? dude shut up and go back to the corner and color.

hatchet man

logo of phychopathic records. kinda like the logo for the dark carnival.
im runnin with the hatchet

hatchet man

A symbol for psychopathic records and is recognized as the symbol of juggalos. Can also stand as a religius symbol for the belief in the Dark Carnival.
I run With tha muthafckin hatchet

hatchet man

the most awsome symbol in the whole world wicked clowns for life phycopathic till the day i die muhfockuu
look its hatchet man.




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