

俚语 manhunter


A slutty girl who searches for men to get off with in social gatherings.
A: Sarah's such a manhunter. She got off with Dan AND Ollie last night!
B: God, what a whore! She's such a bitch, they've all got girlfriends!


A film, TV show or play which possesses beautiful on-screen visuals and/or imagery.
That film has a real "Manhunter" look about it.


One who seeks the warmth of another man between his buttocks or mouth. Usually hunts for men in truck stops by yelling "cock!" really loud which enables a radar sense, much like a bat.
1.Dude last night Ol' Wayne was looking for dudes outside my truck, I couldn't sleep!

2.I know I heard him too, he's such a manhunter.

1.He's the queen of manhunters.



The prequel to Silence of the Lambs.
Unedited Manhunter dialogue-

Tooth fairy- Open your eyes, or I will weld your eyelids to your forehead.

Mr. Lowndes- I just realized, I'm a bitch ass motherfucker, it wasn't you, that's why I've been unfair to you. I will never write another lie in the Tattler about you if you let me go.


Male stimulation represented in the form of erectile penile tissue, formed when only possible to be stimulated my male nakedness.
1. Gettin your "Rod On" in a male shower room.
2. Poor soft pornography where only view is of a male arse bobbing up and down.


A game that is much like Hide-and-go-seek, but is considered less juvenile, so is played by older people. Game works best during the night, and outside. This is played with two teams who alternate being the Hiders, and the Seekers.

After a designated period of wait, the Seekers scavenge the predetermined territory for the other team. After a Hider is found, rules vary on how to officially tag, he is brought to the area marked as prison. From there, fellow teammates can free him. Game is not over until everyone is found.

Note: Game eventually causes great chaos and arguments over rules and teams. A smooth playing game is rare.
"I'm up for some action tonight, let's get some people together and play manhunt."


Manhunt is a hide-and-go-seek game designed for people who don't want to call it that. It combines that element along with others from Capture the Flag (jails), the classic 'tag', and the adolescent tendency to be sadistic.
However, it's fun like crazy, in spite of the cynical summarization. To start off, the 'fugitives' make up the majority of the players; the game is best with 7+ people. The amount of starting 'hunters' is best based on the number of participants: usually one or two. Every hunted player has a pre-determined amount of time to run and hide, and then a signal sounds for the hunt to begin.

It's widely considered best to play in outdoor environments of several acres in size, and at night. Flashlights can be used by both hunted and hunters if so desired by the participants, and good cover use is encouraged.

When one is 'tagged' in any manner deemed appropriate beforehand (flashlight, one/two-hand touch, sight), they are converted (brainwashed) into joining the other team. If one ventures outside of the pre-determined boundaries for the game, they are changed to the hunter's team. However, much cheating occurs here; no one catches cheaters...

It's quite unusual for a game of Manhunt to go without several arguments. It's like playing a game with no rules; there are so many variants and possible choices that dissent is always present.

Other rules on boundaries: usually, participants aren't allowed to go into rooms with doors, or doors period. Stairs are O.K.; but it's advised not to go into buildings, period.

-Wear dark or camouflaged clothing
-Wear good running shoes / light clothing
-Carry a flashlight
-Stay away from dangerous areas
-Use an airhorn or carhorn for the starting signal
"Hey, guys, let's play Manhunt! We've got enough people, it's dark out, and we've got a forest here!"
"Yeah! Cool!"
"I'll be the first hunter!"
"No, me!"




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