Manjeet's 5 Very Important Rules
The 5 rules all Manjeetists follow:
1. Thou shalt not do The Manjeet Gallop without my prior consent.
2. Thou shalt not use Manjeet's name in vein.
3. Thou shalt not judge me because i enjoy doing The Manjeet Tugboat.
4. There is no rule number 4.
5. Thou shalt not question why there is no rule number 4.
1. Thou shalt not do The Manjeet Gallop without my prior consent.
2. Thou shalt not use Manjeet's name in vein.
3. Thou shalt not judge me because i enjoy doing The Manjeet Tugboat.
4. There is no rule number 4.
5. Thou shalt not question why there is no rule number 4.
I believe in Manjeetism, so i follow Manjeet's 5 Very Important Rules.