

俚语 man slap


The act of being slapped in the face by another man with a stern face and a furrow in his brow.
When Matt told Cameron he looked like a rat fuck, Cameron walked up to Matt and man-slapped him.

Did he just manslap him ?


Manslap - when a grown man whines, bitches and moans to a point where you as a man would need to open-hand slap another man. A necessary gesture and action to quickly check a man and put him in his place, undeserving of a typical punch.
I went out with Brad the other night and he was just being annoying...Whining and complaining about nothing so I had to manslap him and check him real quick. He deserved it.


To be so angry with another person of any gender that you feel the need to punch them with an open palm. Used as a replacement for bitchslap when trying to be less sexist and misogynistic.
"This makes me so angry, I just want to manslap someone."


when two or more men hug each other while slapping one another's back really hard and loud and obnoxiously
those manslappers(plural for people who are manslap/manhug ing) are so annoying




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