A dumbass who gives out money to anyone because he can’t make friends without it.
Maqil give me some money to be my friend
the man with the juiciest ass on earth
hey look at that it’s maqil😍🍑
Maqil, well what can you say bout Maqil. He's funny, smart, and practicallly everything under the sun! One thing i know for sure is i think he is too awesome to be my friend. Also im jealous of every girl that is talking to him when im not. He makes me smile everyday when im mad at him. When im sad or lonely he makes me feel way better. He is in my mind a sport freak. He plays football, baseball, and a "man sport" water polo ;)! But i love him for that. He makes my heart race fast just by looking at me. His smile is so contagous. Sometimes he laughs at random things but thats ok. Random would also be a good word for him. He makes random noices and brings up random conversations. Well, if i were to list how i felt about Maqil you would be here a while and ive only known Maqil for like 2 months. Today i say tht i am proud to know Maqil
He reminds me of Maqil