

俚语 marconed


to own, or show power over someone by using ones penis, and whipping it against ones face as means of punishment.

("M" is always capitalized)
Hey Glen, you just got Marconed


Marcon is a girl's name, and It is a mixture of two names 'Maria' and 'Concetta'
Who ever is names Marcon is probably Animu Trash.
They cannot function normally.
Do not call short or they will murder you.
Small ball of anger and anxiety.
This person is part of a cult known as 'Pixton'
When confronted with a 'bae' anime character an inhumane pterodactyl screech emits from them.
'Wow! Marcon is such a piece of trash! She would not stop talking about this 'komaeda' guy and how she wouldn't mind he he tied her up and sacrificed her in the name of hope? LOL What's up with that?'




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更新时间:2024/9/21 4:31:09