A Marcypoo is a hottie that is named Marcus. They are usually super funny, kind, caring and just amazing over all. Everyone should have a Marcypoo in their lives or atleaat get to experience one. Most people say, "thanks to my Marcypoo, my life isn't boring anymore." We all love a Marcypoo.
Marcus: Hey, just so you know I'm always here for you! You're great!
Knox: Aw, thanks so much Marcypoo!
Knox: Aw, thanks so much Marcypoo!
A Marcypoo is a hottie named Marcus. They are just so great, amazing and sexy. We all love and need a Marcypoo in our lives. Marcypoo's will always make our days by just existing. They are usually very funny, kind and caring.
Marcus: Hey, just so you know I'm always here for you!
Knox: Aw, thanks so much Marcypoo!
Knox: Aw, thanks so much Marcypoo!