

俚语 mardo


A person who is funny, likable, and just plain nice. Usually sweet and is a jock that is not a jerk.
hey, you know that one kid? he's such a mardo!

That Mardo kid is amazing!


a type of insect that bites the heads off praying manti when it feels a territorial threat.
did you see that mardo attack your grandmother?


The accumulated scum from scraping down one's balls with a credit card after a week-long Mardi Gras trip.
Ew. What's this mardo doing on my computer?
Dude, that cheese smells like mardo.


Aussie slang word for having a great time or something. awesome

It can also be used however you want in any shape or form.
We all went out last night and had a really mardoe time.

Those new shoes are mardoe.

Check that out it's mardoe.

how fun is that it's mardoe.

I just farted and it smells mardoe.


The relationship of mark Zuckerberg and Eduardo Saverin in movie The Social Network
Mardo is the best couple of all time


a person with a huge ass cock, the smallest cock goes from 8-20 inches long, he always is very hot and cute, he’s a big man that could beat up anyone, he is known to have a large penis and uses it to fuck his son, “Saint”
“oh no, back away our lord mardo has came, big dick daddy”


A person who can be a little clueless at times. A Mardo is someone who might be a little slower than others.
Friend 1: “That guy is such a mardo.”
Friend 2: “He definitely is a mardo but he’s still our friend”




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更新时间:2024/9/20 10:45:29