

俚语 auditurrets


A disorder that affects corporate America whereby the person suffering will, during an audit, blurt out unnecessary information to an auditor to show that they have complete knowledge of any and all related (or unrelated) subject matter. Instead of answering a question posed by an auditor with a one or two word answer, the person suffering from the disease will explain in lengthy detail any related process thereby making the auditor more suspicious and causing more audit work.
Auditor: How many times did Bill go on travel this year?

Correct Answer: Two.

Auditurrets Answer: Well, he took 12 trip and we paid for all of those trips at first, but once we found out he took his boyfriend to work on the job in Hawaii, we started realizing that we shouldn't have been paying for all of those trips and so we conducted our own internal audit where we found that Bill was not the only one that had been using company funds to pay for family trips so we had to go back and adjust our rates to make up for all of the things we missed on the first time around, but needless to say this situation has been corrected now and we've got it all back under control because we've created an addendum to the travel policy to make sure that it's clear that you cannot take family members or other friends on travel, well, that we will pay for... So I guess they could still take them on travel to the same spot, but we wouldn't pay for it this time. Anyway, after everything was corrected, we only ended up paying for two of Bill's trips. So...two.




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