

俚语 margaud's


Margaud is a girls name which usually belongs to someone who is in a positive mood. No matter what. Margaud's are dedicated and hard working. Will stop at nothing to get what they want. They are good at making friends with anyone. Literally anyone. They are very kind and always listen to what you have to say. They always underestimate themselves. Especially when it comes to guys. Making them hopeless romantics. The absence of hugs from guys makes them hug objects such as pillars. This doesn't apply to all Margauds. Margauds commonly have a watermelon fetish. They also give people nicknames and secret names. Often referring to them as fruit or vegetables. Her name is commonly misspelled as Margaux. This is one of the pressure points on a Margaud. An effect of this can be making up fake names in Starbucks. A common joke used around Margauds is: "Oh Mar-Goud". like "Oh my god". Approach Margauds with caution as they have high energy levels.
Person #1: Hey man is that Margaud

Person #2: Hell yeah it is

Person #1: She's like my bestie
Person #2:Ummm no

Person #1: I'm sorry what?
Person #2: She's my best friend
*Continue argument*




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