

俚语 marjone


Marjone is a girl with many talents. She has brown eyes and brown hair. She is very smart and artsy and extremely good in languages. She is quite stubborn and hard headed. She’s not a fan of action/horror movies, but rather romantic/funny or rom-coms. She also has a great sense of humour and now show to make your day!
“Why is everyone laughing?”

“Oh, they’re spending time with Marjone!”


He is a guy,who has the most amazing smile and every girl wants him. He has the most sexiest body known to man kind. He is cute and dumb and looks like a baby. He is athletic and funny and he can make your day everyday.
Marjon is the best thing that has happened to me in the world.


A UK University College stuck in the middle of a field somewhere. Well known for its teacher training, sports training and not much else. Most tutors are pretty decent but like all, there are a few here who make it quite obvious they despise the students with every fibre of their being.
Person 1 - Where's your college then? I can't find Marjons anywhere.

Person 2 - Urmmmm, well, you go to the Plymouth then drive out of it for 6 miles or so and head for the nearest fields you can see.

Person 1 - Bet that sucks if you want to go anywhere.

Person 2 - Oh no. I love either having to use lots of fuel in my car to just do some shopping or be forced to spend £10 to get a taxi after a nightout. Paying to get to civilization is fun!


Amazingly hot, very very hot
"OMG I rode my motorcycle and the motor got so marjon"




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更新时间:2024/9/21 1:47:35