a neverending snuggle between 2 lovers where the one auggling lies on top and nestles into the chest of the auggler
i want a auggle mia
tony come and give me a auggle
tony come and give me a auggle
The exploration of love and sensual desire through augmented sensory perception or sensory deprivation.
To make love in augmented reality.
A romantic or sexual experience enhanced through the use of transhuman technology.
To make love in augmented reality.
A romantic or sexual experience enhanced through the use of transhuman technology.
"Auggle me," she whispered, the words reverbed and delayed through the ocean of pink noise, as Cortexelus was erogenously stunned at the beauty of two formless entities in the void fervently drawn to each other.
Once vibrotranshumanly interfaced, Adam James Davis was immediately and erotically auggled by the cosmic vibrations of the universe.
Once vibrotranshumanly interfaced, Adam James Davis was immediately and erotically auggled by the cosmic vibrations of the universe.