

俚语 martone


the act of ejaculating on a girls breasts
last night i did a martone all over ur mom


Marton is the perfect guy. He is attractive, knows what he wants, is independent, funny, strong, has magical eyes and yes, has a HUGE dick. He has his flaws, but takes pride of them. He will treat his girl like a princess and is the most loving guy you’ll meet... they’re obsessed with him. If you ever meet a Marton make sure you treat him like a king or he will make sure someone else will.
Wow look at Marton... isn’t he perfect!
I want Martons HUGE cock


Hungarian twink. Usually, hides away and is shy but extremely smart and interested in cute things.
Marton made a crochet necklace, super cute.


He is smart. Yes HEE not she
1:Oh wow he is really smart
2: Yeah i know thats marton


The definition of a girl who knows wat she wants. Who will get wat she wants when she wants it. A strong powerful independent person. the one who you will want to spend your entire life with. A girl who is in love with Christopher!
Damn! Look at Marton, she is "amazing"


The Best, the Real Deal
Oh, that's not Peter Marton? He can't be the best then.

Marton effect

Filmmaking term for forgetting to turn on the 35mm depth-of-field adapter. This makes the image very grainy and mushy. A videographer's nightmare.
Did you forget to turn on the P+S Technik Pro35 adapter? It's the Marton effect!




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更新时间:2024/9/20 9:23:00