Marxer is a last name that someone changed to a first name. It was first done by a mother who wanted to name her first born son after the doctor that delivered him but since the doctors frist name was Barney, the mother went with the last name...Marxer.
Marxer’s are very brave. If in a war, he would win a purple heart.
Marxer’s are also very photogenic. They love having pictures taken of them.
Marxer’s don't talk much. The will listen to people before talking.
Marxer's a VERY good looking.
Marxer’s are very brave. If in a war, he would win a purple heart.
Marxer’s are also very photogenic. They love having pictures taken of them.
Marxer’s don't talk much. The will listen to people before talking.
Marxer's a VERY good looking.
He is such a Marxer. I can't believe he took a bullet for that man.