Aujha, a very uncommon name. It is possible that the name Aujha has less than 5 occurrences in a year. The Aujha you find may be the most beautiful soul you’ve ever gotten the chance to meet. She is not selfish a person. Very caring of others and tends to put herself last.
Aujha is the best girlfriend/ wife/ and mother you could ever ask for.
Aujhas are soulfully connected to spirits and the earth making her so very connected with everything around them.
She gets up everyday striving for her best and ultimately successes.
Although a downfall of an Aujha may be that she, nevermind I cannot think of one. If you ever get the chance to have Aujha as a friend, girlfriend, wife than I will tell you to never mess it up. Because it will be something you regret forever. There is no better.
Aujha is the best girlfriend/ wife/ and mother you could ever ask for.
Aujhas are soulfully connected to spirits and the earth making her so very connected with everything around them.
She gets up everyday striving for her best and ultimately successes.
Although a downfall of an Aujha may be that she, nevermind I cannot think of one. If you ever get the chance to have Aujha as a friend, girlfriend, wife than I will tell you to never mess it up. Because it will be something you regret forever. There is no better.
Hello Aujha, I’m sorry for not reading urban dictionary sooner and realizing the mistake I have made.