

俚语 mastercock

master cock

The act of peeing without holding ones penis. In essence the cock is control thus it is the master. It also asserts its dominance over other cocks who cannot achieve this feat, making it the greatest cock thus adequately named the master cock
Girl: Eww why didn't you wash your hands after peeing?
Guy: Its ok, I master cocked it.

Grand Master Cock Dragon

Not just a cock, but the Head of all Cocks and some assholes.

When it's not enough just to call someone a dick head.

When someone gets you so pissed off at them you can not logically think of a insult that fits them, then they become a Grand Master Cock Dragon.
Soup:Dude why do you keep jankin my kills?
Blackop: cause I guess I am a cock. I really don't give a damn man!
Soup: (Pissed off to no resolve) Fuck you you fuckin cock ass... You Fuckin fuck... Your uh... Uhh.... I don't know a Fuckin Grand Master Cock Dragon bastard!!!
Blackop:...... Thanks buddy.

Cock Master

Man or Woman, but more suited towards the female sex. A middle aged woman who has had ALOT of cock and has children to show as a result, thus showing a true mastering of the cock. Typically has had so much cock that the vagina and anus have merged as one orrifice as a result of wear.
The Yoda of the cock world.
'This woman in the pub is 47, she has had 4 husbands and 6 children by all different men, she is a true cock master'

cock master

Anyone who has expert level knowledge of how to properly handle a penis.
I had a great time last night. She is a cock master... if you know what i mean.

Cock Master

1. To be a homosexual male: master of the cock

2. Someone/thing which you dont like very much
1. His lover is a cock master.
2. damnit leroy... why do you have to be such a cock master?

Cock Master

Descriptive noun for displaying extreme displeasure at an individual or individuals (Cock Masters).
All of them cock masters, everyone of them just kissing the bosses arse especially Graham, the cock master.

cock master

slang for homo sexual
lance bass is a cock master




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