

俚语 material daddy

daddy material

When a guy has everything a girl wants and is totally iresisitable
Damn marco is such daddy material.

Example: Jake peralta

daddy material

when hes all innocent in public but lowkey has the ability to be hardcore dominant in the bedroom.
me:ahh fuck hes so fucking daddy material imma wet my pants right here.
her: totally fuckin right u are

Daddy Material

a guy who is absolutely perfect in your eyes, contains everything you want; has a pretty large junk most of the time
Damnnn Rebecca, your boyfriend is daddy material!!

Baby-daddy Material

Baby-Daddy Material is mainly used towards "Pretty Boys" or in other words, "Very Attractive Men". A young man who has beautiful features as in: eyes, lips, hair, and skin. These are the type of men just to have beautiful babies with and nothing more.
"He is so fine! He has long flowing hair, green eyes, soft pink lips, and he's light-skinned! Oh yea, definitely baby-daddy material!"

McNick Daddy Material

your a nice person and anyone would be lucky to have you and your gay
damn did you see that McNick Daddy Material he’s a snack.

Material Daddy

A father to-be that focusses on material products. The golddigger papa.
That man is a material Daddy. All he wants is the equity of the girl.




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