

俚语 matheus


The Most Amazing person in the world! It is said whoever has this name has powers to seduce every women in the world! People with the name "Matheus" also contain in them magical powers.
oh Matheus just made feed his pet unicorn


The Sexiest Type Of Person Alive , Every Girl Would Like To Have a Matheus , And every guy is jealous of him . He Is also very experienced in bed .
Girl ; Omg ! look at matheus The Sexiest guy !

Boy ; He can go Fuck Himself .


Handsome, self-aware, intelligent, generous, fearless, and gentle are just some of the words used to describe a Matheus (or a group of Matheus's). This stimulating type of individual, is one the world cannot live without. Known to being enchanting and always surrounded by large groups of women; Matheus's tend to become rich or famous. These individuals are usually very masculine and strong, which happens intimidate other men and attract women.
"Matheus won the Nobel Peace Price this year."

"Just to know that Matheus looked at me, even if it was for a split second, made me the happiest person in the world."

"Oh yesss MATHEUS!! aww yessss!! MATHEUS!!! YESS!!!! YES!!!!! AHHH!! (over and over again...)"

"In my next life, I hope I become a Matheus."


A god of seducing woman yet somehow always gets rejected by woman
Matheus- hey wanna date?


Matheus is an absolute fucking unit in the bed. He is a Brazilian man with a huge penis. Matheus will most likely steal your girl and absolutely rip her apart in bed. If you see a Matheus RUN AWAY!!! because he will destroy you in bed and the fuck your dead grandma.
Guy 1: Watch out I heard that guy is a Matheus.
Guy 2: Yeah he stole fucked my girl and now she’s handicapped.


The creator of the disease known as "Fanboy-ism", a disease where a soccer fan follows the player/team that is currently (at that time) the best.
I'm so glad that I was able to know what my disease was, thanks to the genius of Matheus.


A gay man who is overconfident and thinks he is so good. He is super bitchy around his friends and family.
Gay ass matheus




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更新时间:2024/9/20 8:09:36