

俚语 mattressing


When you're at a house party, and you've drinken too much, and go to lay down in an empty room and inadvertently end up in bed with 5 or more people. While everyone else either falls off or leaves, one, or even two couples will stay and makeout on you. Literally on you, making you their 'mattress'.
Person1: Hey baby, last night was great! ;)
Person2: Yeah it was! But your bed felt kind of weird.
Person1: Oh yeah!! It was because Paris was mattressing for us!


To wish a person to the mattress; to fantasize about taking someone to bed by way of sexting or conversing in person.
Girl 1- " I was totally sexting this hot guy, telling about all the awesome things I wanna do to him in bed"

Girl2- "He's trying to be a gentleman and all you're doing is mattressizing him, have some class".


A sexually available girl who has many partners.
1) "God, I slept with all of them. I was such a mattress last night!"

2) "I'll introduce you to Suzy. She is such a mattress."


Model/Actress who has been paid to do neither.
I'm going to an industry party tonight, should be full of mattresses...


One who has excessive sex with more than 5 boys in a fraternity.
stefani has had sex with many boys and the frats call her their mattress.


A simile that can be used in comparisson to almost any situation, object, person or emotion.
Jordan: "That bitch is really, really weird.."
Sam: "That's because she's pissed as a mattress"

Josh: "I lost all my money in the stock-market yesterday.."
Matt: "Damn, you must be shattered as a mattress"

Nic: "I got a E- in my R.E exam.."
Sean: "You must be stupid as a mattress"


An extreme sport in its early stages, but still sweet fun. Mattressing involves finding a mattress with wheels on the underneath (quality may vary, but if you use the small wheels mattresses come with then they will beak which makes it all more interesting) and a steep hill with a road on it. Take the mattress up to the top of the hill and from a running start jump onto the mattress and roll down the hill. Normally crashing into the gutter is unavoidable. Avoiding crashing into cars on the street is desireable. This activity can be greatly improved by any of the normal stuff ie. A good mate, booze, comfy mattress, sex (not with good mate unless good mate is of opposite sex, but 2 girls would still be OK).

Pimpin' up your mattress is a good idea.
"ive got two mattresses with wheels and a case of beer"

"sweet dude, lets go mattressing"


"beer me"




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