

俚语 matusz


(Verb)(ma-toos) - To speak in a lengthy blathering circular fashion without providing any form of real content or dialogue to the conversation. To ramble without end even when faced with opposition from the other party of the conversation.
Person 1: "Let me just give you a background on what I do, *blah, blah, blah, blah*..."

Person 2: "Excuse me but I think I know what your asking, I can fix this quickly if you will let me --"
Person 1 interrupting: "Sir, so yeah as I was saying there is *blah, blah, blah, blah*..."
Person 2: "Are you Matuszing me right now!?"

Co-worker 1: "I overhead him on the phone earlier today with a customer. He rambled on non-stop with a customer for over 10 minutes and didn't let the other person speak until he finished blathering with no real content or meaning."

Co-worker 2: "It seems like he likes calling people just to Matusz them!"




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更新时间:2024/9/21 1:53:09