

俚语 maulana


Actual meaning: a Muslim man revered for his religious learning or piety.

Also means: Brother in a coloqial way, eventhough he is not pious or sometimes even the opposite or being religious. Some usage are sarcastic intentionally.

Other words: habibi, sheikh, haji, ustad
"Alhamdulillah Maulana abdul aziz is coming for tazkirah tonight."

"Ya habibi ya maulana, malam ini pergi mana? Tiada clubbing ka?"

"Dia ni kepala naik sheikh kadang2."


betiful and talented young woman- written by a Maulana
maulana is so preety

Maulana Diesel

Maulana Diesel is the name given to Fazal-ur-Rehman a fat overweight politician who has a reputation of using Islam as a political tool for his own self gain. Maulana Diesel tries to create an impression of always trying to look pious and virtuous in traditional Islamic cleric garments and attire including a trade mark orange turban (Paghri). However he is ruthless in his pursuit of colluding and creating coalitions with political ruling parties for political strength, swindling lucrative business deals, privileges, perks and rewards.
Maulana Diesel is a corrupt politician who lives of immoral earnings with a commission agenda, backhanders and kickbacks from Diesel smuggling, applying for contracts/permits for sale of Diesel and allocating plots of land for group family members and political party members. He was also involved in several scandals including wikileaks votes for sale and asking for US backing.
Maulana Diesel is often called Diesel for short as his commission rates also fluctuates and varies with the price of Diesel. Maulana Diesel is usually outspoken, ruthless and venomous with contempt. His political party is the faction JUI although it is not clear if he is a cleric or politician. He is also very vociferous in the National Assembly and Parliament and due to the nature of his portray of an Islamic image, grey beard and background has never been challenged. He also has a complete disregard for women and publicly offends and insults the role of women.
Maulana Diesel has said: “the rule of a woman is haram”
Entire stadium erupts shouting: “Diesel, Diesel, Diesel” as a reference to Maulana Diesel.

Maulana Penaldo

Maulana Penaldo is a footballer who converted from Christianity to Islam as a money whore, he does namaz 5 times a day and can be seen doing that on the streets of Riyadh on television every Thursday. He is the biggest bottler in World Cup history and is known as a Camel on football fraternity.
Salman says, “Where is Maulana Penaldo?” Abdul replied, “I saw him drinking Camel piss few mins ago.”


The name Maulana is taken from Arabic which means our master or protector.

Giving the name Maulana to your little hero means that you put a prayer and hope so that when a child grows up, he can become a male figure who becomes a leader and is able to protect those around him.
true protector and leader (maulana)

chairo syamail maulana

Chairo syamail maulana is the most acedemically strong person i know, but they are slow thinkers when preasured, and he will rage if you make fun of him, if youre not his friend
Person 1 : wotermelon
chairo syamail maulana : wotermewon

Maulana Tariq Jameel

Pakistani word for describing a moulana loves to spend time with celebrities to stay in the limelight or social media.
Did you see Karen ? She was becoming Maulana Tariq Jameel in college.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 14:35:58