

俚语 maxer


To optimize, to improve, making better, to enhance
To maxer the building he would have to add more support columns.


boy racer who dresses up vehicle with neon lights, sun strips and tartan blankets covering 6x9's

Set Maxer

A “friend” who is always hitting on your girl or her friends (your set) in an attempt to swoon them away.
Greg is a set maxer . He wouldn’t stop hitting on my girl last night. He was maxing my entire set.

Set Maxer

A “friend” who is always hitting on your girl or her friends (your set) in an attempt to swoon them away.
Greg is a set maxer . He wouldn’t stop hitting on my girl last night. He was maxing my entire set.


A min-maxer is someone who tries to maximize the minimal amount of efforts to make in daily life.
It often happens in crowded cities, where people don't hesitate to cut you off, so that they make the least amount of steps to go where they have to. In the process, they pretend they don't see you, even though you had to stop at 1/12th inch of them, right before bumping into them.
Parisians excel at this.
When visiting Paris I encountered a lot of min-maxers.
At the end of the day, I was about to go postal on anyone because of them.

maxer's dad

a cop; law enforcement
has a son (maxer) who backs the blue
Colin: maxer's dad is a cop
Chat: lulw




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