

俚语 mayonaise sandwich

mayonaise sandwich

When you fuck a girl from behind, pull out and bust between her ass cheeks and mash them together.
That cunt didn't want me to bust in her, so I gave her a mayonaise sandwich

mayonaise sandwich

Loved by trick daddy and myself, this meal is eaten when you have no food in your house.
"damn its 4 am and i dont wanna go to the store, lemme whip up a mayo sangwich

mayonaise sandwich

see ketchup sandwich

Mayonaise Sandwich

The act of giving someone an anal tulip, then coating it with mayo, placing it between two slices of bread, and licking it clean.
"Brett's such a fag."
"Yeah, I heard he ate his partner's mayonaise sandwich once."

peanut butter and mayonaise sandwich

when a girl refuses to have sex with you so you jerk off on a peanut butter sandwich and offer it her
my girl friend was a stiff bitch so I gave her a peanut butter and mayonaise sandwich




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