When you are spending too much money even though you don’t have any.
Can be used as a synonym for „Shopping Addiction“.
Can be used as a synonym for „Shopping Addiction“.
Tonschek: I have been spending too much lately.
Gugi: I think you could be infected with the Mayosyndrome
Gugi: I think you could be infected with the Mayosyndrome
It’s a syndrome which appears when you are spending too much money for stuff that you don’t even have the money for.
Can be used as a synonym for „shopping addiction“.
Can be used as a synonym for „shopping addiction“.
Tonschek: I have been spending so much money lately, even though I don’t have any.
Abotiz: Go see a doctor you could be infected with the Mayosyndrome
Abotiz: Go see a doctor you could be infected with the Mayosyndrome