

俚语 maysie


amazing, sweet, beautiful, funny girl. Every guy wants her she is a wonderful girl friend. She can be a bit weird and annoying but thats what makes her amazing. whoever is dating her sure is lucky. dont forget she is so funny
oh my gosh its maysie! do i look good for her?


(adj.) a feeling of laziness due to the carefree elements accompanying the month of may.
Darren: Hey, so are you too maysy to go see that new movie starring Meryl Streep later?
Amy: No. It’s just, she’s shit.


To get extremely drunk on New Years Eve, go to the toilet, pull your pants down, and then throw up. If you have really nice friends, they will take pictures or tape it.
"Wow did you see Sydney on New Years Eve?"
"No, what happened?"
"She got drunk and pulled a Maysie!"


The most sketchy person you will ever meet, she is very aggressive, and is a terrible babysitter (but she does come in clutch sometimes). She is very pretty and has a lot of friends and is most likely catholic.
Maysie sucks but we love her anyways.


Maysi is actually the best person you will ever meet. She’s so nice to her friends and always help everyone around them. No one hates a Maysi like literally EVERYONE loves Maysi and if you do hate you are def sus. Maysi is the person you should bring around your parents because everyone loves her and if you introduce her to your parents it will strengthen your relationship with them. If you ever need someone to clean your dishes or babysit your kids or kill someone for you Maysi is your girl to call. She’s also the right amount of sussy.
Hayley: damn I really wanted to buy that gay manga:(
Tatania: you should tell Maysi you know she got you Gurl.
Hayley: I really love having a Maysi in my life :D




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更新时间:2024/9/20 19:49:06