May-turn, meaning "a person who changes their mind so frequently that they arrive at the conjecture that 'Nothing has changed'
I was going to go to Asda but on the way I changed my mind and headed towards Tesco but changed to Aldi or was it Lidl before finally choosing Morrison's which was my original choice so 'Nothing has changed' from my original decision.... May-Turn.
The May Turn
Theresa May announcing a policy and then quickly doing a u turn when she realises it's unpopular.
I am, today, announcing that the dementia tax I announced yesterday is not a dementia tax. I am performing the May turn.
The May Turn
Anyone who realises what they have just said or done has gone down like a lead balloon and does the May turn faster than Johan Cruyff.
I will be a difficult woman and push for a hard Brexit, no, I'm doing the May Turn please, please, please prop up my government.