When a Chinese individual goes to McDonald's hoping to order egg on wok, but finds that they only serve American fast food. They then usually proceed to spout obscenities in their native tongue and accidentally drive their car into the building.
McD employee: Hello, what can I get for you today?
Chink: I wourd rike egg on wok prease and thank yous.
McD: Bruh we don't sell that shit. Order a fish filet or something.
Chink: 他妈的你美国人去吃我的腹泻!!!!
McD: This isn't McChinkles, sir.
Chink: I wourd rike egg on wok prease and thank yous.
McD: Bruh we don't sell that shit. Order a fish filet or something.
Chink: 他妈的你美国人去吃我的腹泻!!!!
McD: This isn't McChinkles, sir.